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ground we don’t want to feel
不想感受到的地面  detail>>
games we don’t want to play
不想参与的游戏  detail>>
scars we don’t want to stitch
不想缝合的伤痕  detail>>
stars we don’t want to reach
不想触及的星辰  detail>>
we don
近来我们不大出门  detail>>
we want what we want
我们想我们想  detail>>
feel the ground
船感到浅海底对它的影响  detail>>
don‘want you to cry
不想让你哭  detail>>
i don t want you
我不要你  detail>>
i don‘t want to be a star
我不想成为明星  detail>>
i don‘t want to hear it
我不想听  detail>>
i don’t want to die
我不想死  detail>>
you don t want it to be true
你却不想让一切成真  detail>>
i don’t feel better
我感觉不好  detail>>
we feel how we feel inside
我们只有体会内心的感受  detail>>
anywhere we want to go
我们要去的地方  detail>>
we want a triangle file
需要一把三角锉刀  detail>>
we want it all
我们期望所有  detail>>